Tue, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (5/31/2023 - 7/28/2023) Location: EARU EARU
Wed, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (5/31/2023 - 7/28/2023) Location: EARU EARU
Designed to develop students' writing skills through expository and argumentative writing---using various rhetorical strategies, such as Narration, Description, Illustration, Definition, Comparison and Contrast, Process and Argument. It will help students write purposeful, well-organized, and developed essays in standard written English, which will reflect their understanding of their concepts of purpose, audience, and thesis. Revision is emphasized. A minimum of four to six essays on various thematic issues are required. Prerequisite: ENG 053 or an acceptable score on the ACT or SAT.